
Since 2013 I have been documenting my motherhood, photography, exercise and chronic illness journey to help start conversations and raise awareness about normalising motherhood anxiety, exercising with a chronic illness, organ donation and living a grateful and kind life. 

Becoming a mother has been rewarding, exhausting, enriching, terrifying and something I have wanted for as long as I can remember. It has been the steepest of all learning curves and certainly required a ‘just jump, don’t look’ mentality. Time goes so fast and I want to remember the everyday & little moments with my babes. Over the past couple of years while I was in kidney failure and on dialysis waiting for a kidney transplant, I realised that I needed to slow down and listen to my body.

I have always shared my motherhood and chronic illness journey in an honest and candid way in the hope that I may inspire other women to be confident and uniquely themselves. And also to share my incredible gratitude for life!

My essay ‘on dialysis’ was selected to be part of the e-book Stories from the Heart; Penning the Pandemic; a collection of essays about the pandemic and republished by InQueensland. I’ve also featured on Women Like You Podcast Mamamia, SheSaid, Courier Mail, ABC Breakfast + Radio, Afternoon Radio, The Nutured Village Podcast, Mumma Love Podcast, Mummy Republic Podcast, the International Women’s Day Panelist for Patient Voice Initiative, worked with Donate Life during Donate Life Week #GreatRegistrationRace and an ambassador for Kidney Health Australia during the Red Socks Appeal.

I’ve just returned from representing Australia at the World Transplant Games in both swimming and triathlon were I achieved Personal Best times in all races, and received a Bronze Medal in 4 x 50m Women’s Freestyle, a Gold Medal in 400m Freestyle and a Bronze Medal in the Sprint Triathlon.

I am incredibly grateful for my second chance at life and to the kindness of my organ donor and their family. I am committed to raising awareness for DonateLife and the importance of organ donation and life post kidney transplant through Instagram, public speaking events, written content and by competing in cycling events and triathlons.

It is my hope that by documenting and sharing my life post transplant I will help inspire others to live a rich and positive life. I also intend to live my best life everyday, to honour my donor and their family. Did you know it only takes one minute to become an organ donor? Register Here.